CPC has developed the EQuIP® suite of services to decrease variability in functional endpoint testing, so you have definitive results at the end of the study. Taking into account your specific product, patient population, and intended purpose, this program starts with ensuring the best endpoints are chosen and the protocol is optimally designed to detect a signal. CPC then provides unique hands-on training at the study sites. All site staff that will be conducting endpoint testing for your study are required to perform mock tests with specially trained CPC team members to ensure consistent elements in data collection, methodologies, and practices. We supplement this training with on-line videos, training/reference tools and Core Lab worksheets.
During the study, sites submit information on how they conduct each test to our Core Lab. Our Core Lab reviews this information in real time, identifies issues, and provides feedback and recommendations for corrective action. This real time review allows us to recover data during the trial that would otherwise be lost. Additionally, CPC reviews monthly reports examining trends within and across countries, sites, and administrators in order to identify errors in test conduct and data that are not readily apparent when reviewing individual tests.