Warren Capell, MD

Clinician-Scientist, CPC Clinical Research

Associate Professor of Medicine

University of Colorado School of Medicine,

Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology

Warren H. Capell, MD is Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, as well as a faculty member of CPC Clinical Research, an Academic Research Organization affiliated with the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Dr. Capell earned his medical degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine and completed his internship and residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.  He then completed fellowship training in Endocrinology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.  After completion of his training, Dr. Capell joined the faculty at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where he focused on both clinical and basic science research in lipids and vascular disease under the mentorship of Dr. Robert Eckel.  Dr. Capell more recently developed a primary focus in the area of research ethics and regulation, serving as a Chair, and then the Director, of the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board from 2007 to 2015.   He remains active in teaching research ethics and regulation, both locally as Associate Faculty in the Center for Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Colorado Denver, as well as nationally with Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research.

At CPC Clinical Research, Dr. Capell Chairs, and manages operations for, committees to adjudicate clinical trial endpoints.  His research interests include vascular disease natural history and treatment, along with issues related to endpoint adjudication and clinical trial operations.